
Managing Critical Production Environments: Promoting Uptime and Mitigating Risks in the Food and Beverage Industry

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As maintenance and operations specialists, our goal is to safely produce quality food and beverage products, all while optimizing our team and keeping our customers happy. This requires a comprehensive approach, which lends itself to consistent processes and protocols. There are risks all around us — people, assets, poor processes, and more. All which can lead to inefficiencies: Increased costs leading to profit-killing downtime, failing compliance audits, and safety issues affecting our team-members.

Learn how you can use Asset Essentials™, our world-class CMMS, to help identify these risks and model improved processes to keep your team safe, promote asset uptime, control costs, and drive profitability.

Key Learnings:

  • What are the risks related to maintenance operations in the food and beverage industry and why should you worry?
  • What best practices and methodologies can you use to promote a safer, efficient, and lean environment?
  • How can a well-implemented enterprise asset management (EAM)/ computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) control costs and promote better profitability?
  • How are modern “Industry 4.0” technologies such as sensors, AI, and others driving superior operations for the food and beverage industry?


Hello, and welcome to today's webinar, managing critical production environments, promoting uptime and mitigating risks in the food and beverage industry. I'm Aaron Hand, I'm editor in chief of Pro Food World, and I will be moderating today's webinar. We've got a great program, plan for you today, but before we get started. Let me just go over a few of the tools that you'll need to participate in this webinar.

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And Let's see. I think that's that's everything for the logistics there. So let's go ahead and get things started. So joining us here today is Paul a chance from Bradley. To explain how your computerized maintenance management system or CMS can help identify the risks and model improved processes to keep your team safe, promote asset uptime, control costs, and drive profitability.

You can improve operational efficiency by managing and maintaining all assets and facilities in one centralized place. This gives you a three hundred and sixty degree view of your operations and critical assets to gain valuable insights.

So I know, that Paul has a lot to cover today. So I wanna get this turned over to him Let me go ahead and introduce him. Paul the chance is senior advisor for Bradley. He has spent his entire career devoted to optimizing maintenance teams by enabling data driven decisions and actionable insights. He wrote his first CMS in two thousand four and has since spent his professional career designing and directing CMS and enterprise asset management systems.

Paul has been featured at IMTS, FabTech, and SMRP, as well as in several industry magazines.

Know you'll enjoy today's presentation. I'm excited to get things started. So, Paul, the floor is all yours.

Awesome. Thank you so much, Erin, and it's an honor to be with you all today.

We'll be covering managing critical production environments, promoting uptime and mitigating risk in the FNB industry.

You've already been introduced to me, so I'll go ahead and run right through that one. We'll be covering today a variety of topics, maintenance and operations, risks, in the food and beverage industry.

How does a well implemented CMS EAM, and we'll explain what all these letters are. How can it con control costs, and promote better profitability.

We'll learn this concept of industry four point o and the technologies that are included, sensors, AI and a number of other exciting technologies that will ultimately drive superior operations.

Best practices and methodologies which complement to promote a safer, efficient, and lean environment. We'll have some real life stories organizations in the food and beverage industry optimizing operations.

And then what is the payoff of using this technology?

So let's start with the challenges.

So specific to the food and beverage industry, there are a number challenges, generically speaking, from a financial and production standpoint, all industrial manufacturing related organizations unplanned downtime. I call it the the the number one profit killer that's related to maintenance and operations. That's when you need your assets to be running and they're not available. That's when you miss deadlines.

That's when, all kinds of problems occur. Equally inadequate information, reliable data, quality data, the right quantity of data that you can get out of your operations that can help you make better data driven decisions. If you don't have them, that's a risk. From a team and operation standpoint, it's a challenging labor hiring environment. You have a lot of people likely that are getting ready to retire, have retired. It's challenging finding replacements with that right skill set, not to mention that tribal knowledge that's exiting.

Safety and inefficiencies are always risks, poor processes around managing your team, cleaning inspections, And I think which is one of the key things here is poor communication.

Making it clear to everybody what is going on and letting your software help drive that is is really critical. In the food and beverage space, there are all kinds of specifics. I mean, you can see the list there, allerging crop contamination, microbiological, foreign object contamination, temperature controls, packaging, cleaning chemical residues. You have very specific risks that good operations aided with technology can really help mitigate.

From a macro economy, cultural society, standpoint, there are other challenges.

So if you look at that column twenty twenty two, I call it a high score year. Last year, we had record high inflation It's come down quite a bit, but it's still stubbornly high, and it's also I believe had a direct impact on business demand. And created other challenges. So it's gotten better, but it's not all the way there.

The supply chain, the supply chain in under normal circumstances, something like the suez canal blockage from a few years ago or the US China trade wars back in two thousand nineteen would have been quite, impactful. You had a global pandemic, the war that's going on, all these different, conflicts around the world. This really adds. Now things have stabilized in twenty twenty three.

We still have some waning, COVID influence prices have stabilized. I don't think anybody's gonna look at the supply chain quite the same anymore.

That chart in the upper right hand corner if you look in the upper right hand corner of the chart, you'll see extreme pandemic.

That is right up there with Supervolcano.

We also have a global military conflict up there. We have some of the most impactful things that have happened to the supply chain. And then, of course, the labor market which started with the pandemic and the great resignation, and we had baby boomers ready to retire. Yeah.

I I I like the phrase great reshuffle as opposed to great nation now. It's had a huge impact. We have a a massive quantities of tribal knowledge exiting the space. We don't have enough people to fill it and they don't have the right skills, which we need to, really aid.

And you can see from that chart in the center bottom there, the the industrial space has has been impacted as any other space, especially consider the skills needed. And then on top of all that, regulate, legislation in this country, has driven a lot of manufacturing back to US soils, which is a wonderful thing, but it's also grabbing some of the people that we need in our food and beverage industry related environments.

The the point of this slide right here is you can't control these things. You can't control inflation, you can't control the supply chain. You need to work around these challenges, and that's where technology can really assist in the process.

From a compliance gap standpoint, huge risk in the food and beverage industry. These three articles right here are older. There may be newer dates on here, but they happened quite a while ago. Nobody wants to make the papers, the news because of problems in their operations.

Maintenance operations, if you if you boil these things down, often can come down to inspections, quality and maintenance related issues. It's another reason what what we can mitigate these risks through the use of some of these technologies to keep you, compliant.

Switching gears to the concept of, quote, lean operations.

So what is lean operations. And I think the word lean, I just think the word doing more with less. So you can't keep up with inflation or increased cost. It's a challenge for everybody in our personal and our business lives. You don't have enough people, the tough labor market, the the the hiring often people in your is is challenged because of the retirements of these often people that may have been there ten, twenty, thirty, forty years. And the inbound new people have that skills gap.

Demand for maintenance and operations typically does not slow down despite these headwinds.

You need to start thinking about a continuous improvement mindset. Where can you affect change? Where can you look at these challenges And this is a combination of best practices, a cultural attitude looking for continuous improvement, looking at technology to help.

Now one thing that's very important about lean, it does not mean to sacrifice in quality or timeliness.

And the great thing about lean operations, it's really helpful in when we're in challenging macroeconomic environments like we today, but it's also really helpful when things are great when you're booming, when you're really growing, and you need to work smarter and not harder doing more with less. That's what this technology can really help with. It's aid this lean operations mindset.

I always like to give kudos to the men and women in our maintenance and operations related teams. When I first got in this business quite a while ago, There was this legacy perspective that nobody wanted to see maintenance. You need to have somebody call maintenance, get them up here. They're just coming up out of their basement office to fix broken things. They're an underfunded cost center. They're in their own separate silo, and most egregiously are underappreciated.

Now fortunately, the perspective has changed today. This is a modern tech and rich, exciting, and growing field that is attracting talent that might have thought about the tech sector. The technology is really helping bring people in. It increases organizational and production capacity.

A simple example say you need to increase your production of whatever the goods you're making, and you need to say to meet sales demands, you need to bump your, you need to, increase. And and one of the options often thought is, well, maybe we might have to run another shift. Maybe we have to authorize overtime. Maybe we have to build out a whole another production line.

Or Get more uptime out of your assets. Move from eighty nine percent uptime to ninety four percent uptime and do the same thing in an easier, more impactful and less expensive way.

Integrate uh-uh maintenance operations is integrated with many departments safety, engineering, production, finance, sales. And they are just as critical to organizational success and growth. Any other department in the organization. I firmly believe that, and I love to believe this, and I love to pat the women and men in these fields on the back because they do such great things for our organizations.

So what is EAM, CMS, and how can it help? You know, these alphabet soups of acronyms And they're often commingled EAM and CMS today. They really are just about the same thing. You'll see them label different ways. EM stands for enterprise asset management, and it typically involves additional solutions beyond CMS, CMS being computerized maintenance management system. That's where you're getting into your asset equipment and facilities management, your PMs, your preventive, and your predictive, and ultimately prescriptive, which I'll explain, it's where you manage all of your work orders, your spare parts, when you need to order those parts, how you track and and and monitor your safety activities, help with your compliance on it, and related, of course, all the reporting and analytics, key performance indicators.

Your EAM, your CMS should be available anywhere you are anytime you need it on your computer, on your mobile devices, any two twenty four seven, cloud based, solution.

This is the PF curve, and this is an awesome metaphor that explains what maintenance and operations people do. And I know it's a bit of an eye chart. I'm gonna have to ask you to follow along here, but once you see what's going on here, quite easy to follow. So take your eyes on the chart to the upper left hand corner, that d, the original design.

And as you go along that line, you hit the eye The installation of a new asset. This is a new piece of equipment, a production piece of equipment, it can be anything. It's installed. It's running and you're going along that line to the right.

It's running. It's running as best it to can ever possibly run until you hit the key point. That's the point at which failure can be detected.

You can't see it. You can't smell it. You can't hear it, but trust me, your asset is starting to degrade. And if you go along that curve through all those dots, all the way down, you're eventually gonna hit the f point.

That's the functional failure. And if you ignore that asset and you hit that f point, that's where your quality really drops. That would that's where you have greater risk at unplanned downtime. That's where bad things start to happen.

If you get all the way to the bottom, that's catastrophic failure. That's premature replacement of that asset. Nobody wants to be there. Maintenance people.

What we do is we push up the p f curve. We never wanna get to that f point. We wanna use things like preventive maintenance and predictive, which I'll explain in a minute, catching problems as soon as we can when they're smaller before they become more impactful.

We do that through a spectrum of maintenance activities run to fail. It's never a good idea with the exception of very specific types of assets. That's waiting for the thing to crash. Maintenance comes in and has a whole lot of work to get it running again. Prevent maintenance.

Much better. That's typically on a calendar once a week. Once a month, once a day, or on usage every ten thousand hours of operations or hundred thousand cycle count, whatever the metric is recommended go and do some maintenance, change the filter, tighten, whatever it may be. Condition based monitoring is when you put sensors on assets or uses available sensors and monitor them. What's the pressure, the temperature, the vibration looking for anomalies and when they come up.

Requisition somebody to go take a look. Now we're starting to really push up that PF occur. We can't hear it, see it or smell it, but that condition based monitoring sensors can, and then predictive maintenance. That's where aid and where we're doing the condition based monitoring.

Use concepts like the internet of things, machine learning and AI, which will explain and catch the problems really early. And then the holy grail prescriptive maintenance. That's where we catch the problems earlier than ever and we can even recommend remedies, requisition the right people, maybe even catch and fix the problem before it ever we're not quite there yet. I think the overall industry, we're all working in that prescriptive maintenance and brightly and Siemens are at the four front of the advancements in this technology.

So when you look at the basic capabilities of a CMS or an EAM, Your assets, your facility management is at the heart of it. So you should be able to track all of your equipment across all of your production lines, across all of your buildings, your operations, your facilities across all of your plants across your entire enterprise. This is a true enterprise system, whether you're one, one operation or you have plants all around the country, even the world. I have all of that information about each and every asset in your system, including pictures and videos and so forth.

You use CMS to optimize your team starting in the upper left hand corner of the screen. This is a dashboard. Typically, this would be a manager's dashboard.

They know when they first log in the system, what is my team doing? How many work orders does my team have? Preventive maintenance, corrected maintenance? How many do I have, I can see key performance indicators in in that right hand side. There's those gauges there. Maybe I'm tracking how many safety work orders I have or how what is my ratio of preventive to corrective maintenance? Am I on track for that?

Upper right hand corner, you should be able to do this on your mobile device walking around your facility. If you're at a trade show, I hate to say if you're on vacation if you have to check this, but in an emergency, you can easily have that same visibility if you were standing right there in the shop floor.

Staying in the circle here bottom right. Your teams need help with, instructions, tribal knowledge, exiting, your operations. These men and women that have so much information. They can change that bearing set blindfolded in the snowstorm.

The young group generation can't do it, but if you have videos and pictures and documentation right at your fingertips, they see the next best thing. Bottom left corner, optimizing your team, know who your people are, how many work orders do they have, how much capacity might they have You don't wanna give Jay more work. You wanna give it to Charles or somebody else, because they are beyond capacity right now. So all these different ways of looking at managing your teams optimize your spare parts.

A socket is the concept where you're missing a critical spare At the worst time is when you're already in downtime, we've all seen it. Machine goes down. You go to get it fixed. You need to order a part Combine that with supply chain challenges, you wanna know how many parts you have on hand. When you run low, you wanna be alerted to order parts at bottom right hand corner. It's right on your dashboard. You can get an email notification.

It can suggest an order for you. And in these supply chain challenge times, You know, you can take into account longer lead times, alternative vendors. And again, this can be on your mobile device or your regular, computer.

Safety and compliance.

Safety and compliance is many things to different organizations. We'll get into this in more detail a little bit later. But keeping track of all of your safety programs, your safety data sheets, your, JSAs, your lockout tagout, procedures, all of your preparation, cleaning, anything an auditor would wanna see, whether it's internal or external, Keeping track of your incidents. Those will be those OSHA three hundred, upper right corner there.

OSHA three hundred incidents. You can track those in there as well. The bottom of the screen is all about your team, your people. What are they certified to do?

When will they expire?

All the certifications. Again, it it comes back to good management of your team, but it also comes back to if you're ever going to be audited you need to be able to produce this information, readily available.

Intelligence data driven decisions.

So as you start to use CMS's Brightlease asset essentials, you start to accumulate a tremendous amount of data, work orders, parts, assets, Also as you're extracting data off your equipment, you're also bringing, data in in in in for trending in there. This data is foundational to making better decisions. Where are the sources of your downtime?

It where are your, better performing teammates? Where are people who might be challenged where they might need some coaching?

Any of this trending information, it really turbo charges where you can look to optimize your operations. If you can't track it, It's very difficult to improve and all that data underneath asset essentials that you're building through the regular everyday use goes into that process.

Switching gears again in industry four point o because it really does drive the period operations.

So brief history lesson on on industrial revolution. So I'm I'm focusing on that little chart at the top there. The first industrial revolution, late seventeen hundreds, was all about steam, water. When we we had mechanized power, that was a huge technology change.

The weaving loom water wheels, those kind of things really change because we no longer relied on our muscles or a piece of burden to do the work for us. The second industrial revolution nearly a hundred years later was mass production and then later aided by electricity. So we think of the Henry Ford model t production line. It wasn't the first example of mass production, but that's a shining example of it.

This really changed everything. This was a huge technology change that ushered in, and it changed all aspects of our lives, and and and very much in all forms of, manufacturing, including food and beverage production. The third industrial revolution in the late nineteen sixties was about robotics, automation, aided with computers.

Now we're in the fourth industrial real revolution right now. And the thing that's interesting about this is these industrial revolutions are starting to come faster and faster The fourth industrial revolution is everything we talked about, but it really comes back to the interconnected nature of everything we do. By connecting our people, our software, our assets, our buildings, and sharing data across all of those.

Is what industry four point o really shines. Now the bottom of that screen, there's a bunch of technologies there. I'm just gonna mention a few. There's a whole bunch of technologies that are combined into this lump bucket of the fourth industrial revolution or industry four point o. Three d printing and, artificial intelligence and machine learning, blockchain, the internet of things They're all used in different applications.

And we'll just touch on a couple of the promising areas.

So The internet of things that left chart right there, it's really our buildings, our facilities, our vehicles, our assets telling us when they're not feeling well. You're running too hot. You've run too long. You got a clog filter. Tell the humans they need to come and address that.

Three d printing, you know, that's gonna be cool in the future as we're getting closer to that is, printing up spare parts. The bottom right, and this is getting into the future. This is one of the great things that brightly and Siemens.

They're on the forefront of these technologies, but digital twins, living, breathing, digital versions of ass And we're not quite there. We're working in this direction, but living, breathing digital versions of our assets that you can test design changes, watch maintenance, effectiveness.

I mean, all kinds of things you can do without impacting a physical asset. Wonderful technology.

Getting even further in the future, but something to keep an eye on because I always like to keep an eye on the future is the concept of assisted reality which is that upper left hand corner there. That person, you know, the the retiring baby boomer who has a hard time climbing up ladders They can be back in their easy chair and be listening to, and and guiding this person who's doing the work. So they can be hearing it in their ear. The right hand corner is, is augmented reality, where things are floating right in front of their hand. So this is hands free mobile.

And virtual reality bottom left, which is for training applications.

Again, we're not quite there yet. Brightly Siemens is on the forefront as these technologies advance, but it's just something to be thinking about, as you look to partnering with organizations that can help you today, but also where this wrap changing technology is going because these things are changing at, compounding rates like we've never seen before.

There's this concept of a digital maturity model which kinda talks you through this. Now the bottom left hand corner is computers.

And this and everybody's got computers. You wouldn't be on watching this webinar if you didn't. And connectivity, which is the concept, were connected while the cloud connects the all these days, but it's not just people and computers and the internet. It's also our facilities and our are buildings connected. That's operational technology.

So that leads to visibility. The third item there. That's where everything is connected. So we can start getting information off of our physical world and allow for real time data driven decisions.

Before I go much further, I wanna make everybody be comfortable. Most people are still in this two, three area. So if you were feeling like as we're looking up this whoa, I'm nowhere near it. That is okay.

You have to start your journey. It is a journey. It's not a destination, but this is where things get really cool. As you start to use tools like asset essentials and smart assets from brightly.

It leads to things like transparency.

This is where you can use insights and analytics from hard to reach difficult to connect to assets. That's where you use sensors and other ways to connect to your assets to make improvements, bleeding to predictability.

That's where you can catch problems way before they're impactful. Think pushing up that PF curve and ultimately leading to adaptability That's prescriptive maintenance. That's catching problems before they ever happened.

And that really turbo charge is. That really gets your downtime almost down to nothing.

Again, most of us are in that two, three range. You need to start somewhere And this webinar and and seeing this and learning about it is a great way to get started. If you're already in that two, three, four, well, you can always up your game through some of these technologies.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning, they're kind of scary concepts for many people. And I always like to just give a little bit of an orientation. Machine learning is the acquisition of knowledge. Like when you look at your phone and it recognizes you, are you talk text to your phone.

That is the machine is listening and learning. It recognizes it's you and it goes in a form some action. It puts the text on the screen or it unlocks your phone. Machine learning is also your physical assets and your facility, your buildings, giving you all the data coming off of those.

When you take all that data and you can use it with artificial intelligence, that's the acquisition of wisdom. That's you using this data and to do human like things, like every time you go into your Netflix or your, Amazon Prime feed, how does it know you're doing, what's cause it's been listening to what you've been picking, and it suggests shows you might wanna watch. Atonomous vehicles is a great example. It is soaking in data three hundred and sixty degrees around you, and it's performing all kinds of AI to make sure that car stays straight while in the industrial food and beverage, and otherwise, digital twins, predictive analytics, that is artificial intelligence working with available data.

People get nervous about AI. Like, are we gonna lose our jobs? Are are humans gonna be replaced?

It is a valid concern.

But what doesn't happen is, yes, jobs changed the same way when the, assembly line in Henry Ford's world came in, people had different jobs forward thinking organizations will find new roles. There's a great study in that bottom left hand corner, that when automatic teller machines were first introduced those cash machines.

And you can see the bottom of those two lines, it skyrocketed when ATMs came in. Everybody thought, well, we're not gonna have bank tellers anymore.

Bank tellers didn't go away. What happened with bank tellers was banks recognize that if we take away those mundane transactional things that a bank teller does, they can do more value producing things. They can help with other products for the bank. They can help with customer service. And in fact, banks hired more Telips.

On the right hand side, AI and related industry four technologies, Sunday, this concept of a lights out factory. That's why the lights are literally out. And there are factories where lights are out.

Where are the people? Well, I don't know many manufacturers that are that are not hiring. Everybody's looking for people. You need to think about what is this technology can do And where can we retool our people?

Well, in the modern industry four point o factory, those people are watching the data that is coming off these operational environments, and they're acting when they need to. They're staying ahead of their preventive maintenance and they're doing other value producing tasks. We're not gonna lose jobs. We're gonna create better jobs.

You just have to be thinking about how you can do that.

Smart assets, and, is a is a is a one of brightly's solutions. Asset Essentials is the CMS. That's all that work orders and, asset management smart assets is the sensors and the acquisition of data from the field. So the upper left hand, you know, when you're when you're in your facility, when you're in your plant, if an HPA unit unit is having an issue, through a sensor or in the bottom of the screen there, that's a pump.

If it's vibrating and again humans may not be able to tell that thing is vibrating causing potential cavitation sensors can three sixty three hundred and sixty five days a year. Twenty four seven. The data comes in from the sensors. Smart assets check, is it out of alignment?

Is it out of tolerance? If it is, if the AI is saying do it, make a work order in asset essentials and then make sure that technicians get an alert so they can go over and fix those problems when you wear high on that PF curve and not when we're gonna be closer to that unplanned profit killing downtime. So whether using sensors or data coming off of your plant floor from PLCs, HMIs, scada systems, building automation, you just need to harness that data, and that's what smart asses is all about and get that data in.

The data comes in. You can visualize it. You can see the asset that's affected. You can set parameters of what is in and out of tolerance.

And then, ultimately, it will generate a work order if If the if the intelligence says, yes, this is worthy of a work order. It ends up alongside all of your other work order It shows up on your mobile device. You may or may not get an email alert if that's what you've asked, asset essentials to do for you. Just make sure the right person or contractor can address the problem right there and then.

There are all kinds of sensors. This is a great thing about Brightley's, smart asset solution. There are all kinds of sensors. You name it.

It can sense it. I'm gonna highlight a few examples today, but again, just about any use case you can consider. There's probably a sensor, and these things are not even that expensive these days. It's amazing how you can get this data.

Twenty four seven off of your physical world driving better operations. But a couple of examples will go through. The first one is refrigeration.

So whether it's, you know, food product or whatever it may be. You can put one of these sensors right in your refrigeration units, freezers, whatever it may be. And it's just watching. And let's it's just watching in in sensing, and if it's gonna find some level of fluctuation that is outside of acceptable tolerances for your operations, then go ahead and generate a work order.

Electrical usage monitoring is another good one. Whether it's around safety related issues around electrical panels or whatnot, or even just looking for draw spikes, brownout situations, They're bad for your your equipment. It typically can indicate maintenance related issues. It also is probably telling you that your your utility bills are higher than they need to be. This is just a matter of just dropping one of these hot drop sensors right on one of those lines coming into your panel.

Very easy to put these in. You just attach it, scan it, power it up, and then watch the data start to come in. I mean, you I'm slightly oversimplifying, but it's really not much more than that. By the way, all these capabilities that I'm talking about, this is one great thing. You just the end of the webinar, you can connect with a brightly person. They can give you more detailed, tours of these technologies.

Pump is another great example.

Cavitation is an indicator.

Cavitation can be caught early by just monitoring vibration. And again, you may not see it. You may not feel it. You may not hear it.

But trust me, and there's, you know, different tolerances, ISO standards, or maybe have your own internal standards. This is just a magnetized sensor You pop it on that pump. Same thing. Power it up, scan it, that data can come in, and set those tolerance levels to indicate when you wanna receive a work order and then let it go through that normal workflow process.

So beyond the technology, best practices compliment lean operations.

So, you know, if you're looking at your challenges and your operations, technology is a great aid, but you also wanna look at, you know, how can we do better?

How can we run our operations better? There are all kinds of awesome, well documented, proven best practices and methodologies. I'm gonna feature two today, total productive maintenance and gamble walks. Five s, six sigma, kaizen, you know, SPC. There's just so many of them. They help with that lean operations continuous move improvement mindset.

So we'll go through a couple just at a high high level, and I'm gonna strongly emphasize this is just a teaser. If these things are resonating with you, take it up to either talk to somebody at Bradley to go in more detail or consider, you know, studying on this on your but total proactive maintenance, which is one of several. They really they originated in Japanese automobile manufacturing in the fifties and sixties, and they've taken the world by storm. Total productive maintenance is the generic concept that everybody in the organization is responsible for maintenance, not just the maintenance people.

The operators working by the equipment. The security guard by your front desk, if they see something that needs to be fixed, they take care of it and everybody owns the assets that they're around. Specifically autonomous maintenance, one of the pillars of TPM is the concept where we need to take ownership of the assets we're working for. We need to keep them clean We need to make sure that they're, behaving.

And if they're not, let's take care of it. Your the car analogy is a great one in the upper right hand corner. You get a new car. You're not eating in it.

You keep it washed all the time. You know what's going on in that car. If there is any sign of a problem, you let your car go south like that right hand upper right corner. It's hard to tell when there's a problem with that car.

You don't know what's your smell.

When you're thinking about a ton of this maintenance, failures that come to bear, downtime was typically just a tip of the iceberg where play slackness and in leakage, it's just a whole bunch of hidden anomalies that occurred that led to the failure. We want our operators who are standing by these equipment every day to watch for these things, and they can do that with this concept of they're watching it. They wanna find problems, and they can do that with a basic section, think of preventive maintenance checklist generated by asset essentials, CMS, and they need to do a basic checklist they see something small and easy and it's within their training, have them fix it right there and then.

If not, get with maintenance right away so we can catch problems when they're small. We need to get it fixed to optimal condition. We don't wanna let it continue down that p f curve. And we need to keep it fixed.

That's that always watching for TPM, autonomous maintenance. Big part of it is keeping things clean. We know this in the food and beverage industry is absolutely essential. How do you know when there's a problem with that asset on the left versus the right?

And even making it easy to do investigations, replace that cover, you can't see inside. You can't see that wobble wobbling, with that gear. You can if you replace it with a plexiglass, and that's just a simple example to make it easier. For anybody in the operations to see the problems.

A gamble Walk is another awesome example.

Gembawalk, Gemba is Japanese for the real place or where the place where value is created. Eighty percent of improvements come from frontline employ eighty percent.

If you're not interacting with your frontline employees, your your operators and anybody else who's in that plant four, getting the work done where the real value is created. So again, the walk is literally taking a walk. It's watching how processes are done. It's talking with the people doing the job. It's listening.

It's standardizing processes, continuing improvement mindset, as a result of what you discover, it helps with safety. It's taking input from the team. Now these are not ad hoc walk on the fly. There's a theme to it.

You can see in that upper right hand corner. You have a plan. You warn the team, not warn them. You let them know, Hey, we're gonna have a gym walk.

I can't wait to talk to and learn what's going on. You are not trying to find fault or call out employees. The worst thing you could possibly do is to do that right there and then on a gamble walk. You're not you're you were trying not trying to quickly implement the change on the spot.

I mean, a safety issue is one thing, but and you're not trying regard employee input, again, eighty percent of those improvements come from these people. So these combinations of best practices aided with CMS.

Can really help find improvements in your operations.

Compliance We don't wanna make the papers.

There are all kinds of compliance, that we need to focus on. And, you know, I've got a bunch of them listed here that all all all my friends on this webinar today in the food and beverage space, you know more about this than I do because you live at every day or whenever your audit cycle happens, but really compliance comes down to quality.

Customer team safety and solid operations. They're all the central theme that seems to permeate all of these regulatory compliances really across all industrial and manufacturing segments.

And a lot of, you know, in the old days compliance was like, Ugh, why do they make us jump through those hoops? I mean, this is not just something you do because it's It's you have to. It's because it's the right thing. You are a compliant organization. It helps boost morale.

Conversely, make the papers for something bad. Watch what happens to morale. It helps you attract and retain the best talent. It's required. It shows your customers and even in your prospective customers that you are serious. And of course, there is avoidance of costly violations, insurance hikes, work to come.

Long term drain on your resources, and I think what's the worst is losing businesses, contracts, those relationships due to non compliance. We want to avoid You do that through three main buckets. I won't read all these, and and you you you will be able to get a copy of this deck after, but documentation.

We know this from those audits. You can come in at any point and look up job safety, instructions, safety data sheets, hazards, PP and E programs with anything about your operations.

That are part of the compliance process. You can make sure all the training that you're gonna have your people do right at your fingertips how to change a filter, how to correctly put on your safety equipment. When do my certifications expire?

And then tracking auditing. Any change you make in the system will be tracked. Who made the change? Was there a digital signature that a supervisor sign off whatever levels of tracking that you need to include, you you can be as tighter as loose that your regulatory compliance would or and your organization would ask for, but right there at your fingertips so that if you are audited, pull it right up.

Here's some real life examples.

Heart Industries.

This is an asset essentials, CMS client, they're out of Owen Owen's I can never say, Owens Mills, Maryland. They're a a contact, packaging manufacturer, and they were focused on, food service modernization act, SQL, three.

So, their risks, they have food contact materials and they're commingled with ingredients.

Their customers require this certification.

So they really had to to get this certification.

They need to track their maintenance activities, inspections of assets, production equipment and process notifications.

They had a QMS system, quality management system. It just wasn't cutting it. And so they implemented Brytely's asset essentials, and they went just went beyond traditional maintenance and operations to tie in to whatever the certification process would need. It's not a big departure. You're tracking the same people, the same assets. You're just giving it that flavor to help satisfy what the certification would call for. So they put detailed inspections, preventive maintenance, working instructions, They attached photos and documents, everything they needed for those audits.

They got a perfect one hundred score in their first audit after implementing asset essentials. They were praised by their auditors for the meticulous record keeping. That's a huge win for hard industries, and it it really helps their business. You know, it's gonna simplify future vendor approvals and so forth.

Another great story is Pepsi bottling ventures.

PBV is the largest privately held bottler for Pepsi Cola products in North America, huge operation.

They were managing a ton of work orders. Seven hundred seventy six thousand work orders a year in a manual paper based spreadsheet cobbled together system. And that just is absolutely insane to me, but before they were using Brightley's solutions. They had a manual system over there. Well, they implemented Brightley's asset essentials.

And absolutely, we're able to streamline their work orders management And not only were they able to just have automation around work orders, all the information that the expenditure tracking down to specific equipment and projects, providing insights into maintenance free optimizing maintenance frequency, automating inventory management, so we start to you know, use that crawl walk run, as you start to use more and more of the capabilities, they started using mobile devices for their technicians on the floor. Save them from having to walk across the facility to look up a spare part or get a user manual, whatever they may need to do. The results were great. Improve visibility.

User friendliness just for the team. Workorder efficiency goes way up eliminating lost work orders altogether. So another great story.

The return on investments, CMS is going to save you time and money.

So pushing up the PF curve, you know, you kinda remember that metaphor we said earlier, we wanna the PF curve is that little inset image in the bottom there. But you see on the the curve with the a through f.

If you can get your work orders when you're early in the p f curve, that a, this this is real. This is this is an an aggregation of data from a bunch of brightly clients, one dollar a work order, if we just genericized it. As you move down the p f curve and catch problems later. You go from one dollar work order to two.

All the way down to five dollars of work order when you're in that EF range. That's a five hundred percent increase in what your work orders are costing you. There's amazing value to implementing this technology as you push up the PF curve you save a ton of money. You will also save on your capital expense.

Well, you don't wanna replace the whole asset. You wanna replace maybe just the sub components or nothing at all. If you catch it early.

Downtown is a profit killer.

In the US, two hundred and sixty thousand dollars per hour is the cost of downtime. Now that takes into account automobile manufacturing in large organizations.

A simple example, production line example, downtime costing ten thousand dollars per hour. That's typically your lost, productivity, loss ability to produce goods, the cost to do the maintenance. If you can measure it and you can find it. And if you can't, that's just another reason why you need to look at getting a CMS like asset essentials. If you know how many downtime hours you have per year, ten thousand per hour, twenty five downtime hours a year, that's quarter million dollars a year.

If you can just shave off ten percent of those work orders, that's gonna save you twenty five thousand dollars a year. Now that's an easy thing to do with just basic use of asset essentials. You get into that fifty percent reduction in downtime, which is highly achievable you save a ton of money in what it more than covers the cost of the software and the implementation.

It just drives reduce costs and profitability of the organization.

So in in recapping, you cannot control these operational headwinds that are all around us. You're not lowering inflation. You're not all of a sudden raving a magic wand and getting a whole bunch of people to come in and work for your organization. You need to do the next best thing.

You need to implement technology aided with these methodologies, and it helps you defend against these uncontrollable factors.

It will help you with better, safer, improved quality, more efficient facilities, operating environments. It will optimize and create a happier team.

You will have better asset and system uptime with longer life. You will have a safety environment. You will be compliant, ultimately reducing costs, budget adherence, and profitability.

Brightley's asset essentials, smart assets, and being, a part of the overall Siemens is a great way to look at how you wanna just get started doing this. And then if you start to really pick up steam, get further and further and advancing and really watch the value of what this does.

So, that's the last slides I have. I think Aaron, if we have, any questions that come in, I know we have a a bit of time left.

We can, take them and and see if we can answer Alright.

Well, thank you very much, Paul. That was a excellent presentation. I really appreciate it. We do have a few questions in. I also want to remind our audience that you can still ask questions at any point here while we're talking.

Just a reminder that you'll want to click on the Q and A tab, and then enter your question in there. So, let's get started with some of the questions that have come in already. And they're actually, you know, I think what I'm seeing so far from people is the concerns about trying to get this approved with management.

So, first of all, the first question is, you know, very insightful presentation and really help them understand it but it might be difficult to explain, to my management and get by in any advice there.


I mean, I hear this across the board working with my manufacturing and industrial focus clients, budgets are tight. It is challenging, and I empathize with everybody.

That is going through that.

To me, it's not a question of what does it cost. It's a question of what can it do for controlling costs.

And, what I would recommend is take this deck and go through a couple of those last slides or better yet have somebody from Brightly help you do that with your management and show yes, there's there's a cost to implementing a solution like this.

But that cost that you spend will pay for itself multiple times over not only in dollars, but in all the improve compliance, in in in getting your team up to speed fast. So you really have to transfer the conversation from what is what is it gonna cost to what are we gonna gain from that? And when you do that math, I mean, you know, elementary school math will show you. It takes an investment to do it. But the payoff is so significant. You know, you you it's hard to believe people don't do it.

I mean, a little biased here because I'm a technologist at part, and I really see how that can help operations.

So if that is a challenge, that's where I think you just rely on your breakly friends to, help convey that throughout your organization.

Okay. Yeah. And I I I think the second question is is pretty related to that. Let me just read it out to make sure there aren't other aspects you wanna touch on.

I run into obstacles and have always been shot down when asking for technology purchases, usually with we don't have the budget or it's too expensive.

So do you have any other advice that they could, you know, approach that with next time?

Yeah. It's the same answer, but what I will say to add on to it is It's not a technology purchase that you're making.

You're going to your management because you have challenges in your operations. We can't hire the right people.

We cannot keep up with our supply chain challenges.

We are having too much downtime Those are what you're approaching your management with. The solution happens to be a technology solution.

Combine with those best practices. So not only reframe it from a cost to what does it give up to us, but don't even think about as a technology purchase. Ultimately, yes. It is technology, but really, it's a solution to the operational challenges or not just challenges.

It's the growth scale that you're trying to keep up with and you can't. So either way.

Okay. Okay. Great. Thanks. Let me take a look at what else has come in.

Our current CMS is not user friendly and not well liked by our technicians. Do you have any recommendations on how we can help make that go better the next time around?


The software is only part of the equation.

You need a really good partner who can help you, with getting the software properly implemented, meaning matching with your operations, like do you want your workflow to go? What it what what capabilities are important to match up with those first challenges that you wanna have? Have the right training maybe migration of your data. Now, you need to have a partner.

Brytely is absolutely great at this. I I, know this industry very well, but the their ability to get customers implemented and trained and then have that ongoing support. Now that doesn't mean mean you're gonna have to have people like camped out in your operations day in and day out. I mean, you really have to tailor that to what can work for your budget and and what you're gonna crawl walk run situation.

But don't just acquire software and think I just gotta get this thing, you know, in my browser and on my mobile device, and everything's gonna be better. Spend the time, get your team up to speed, get them to embrace it. Don't surprise them with technology. Make sure they are there as part of this journey with you. And if they embrace it, they all turn in champions. They show everybody else how to use it, and that will spiral in a positive way.

Okay. Great. That sounds like great advice. I, you know, I feel like so many of the conversations about new technologies are conversations about getting your your operators on board or your maintenance people on board and and, not just throwing that solution at them. Right?

One of the worst implementations I've ever seen personally was showing up to do a training, and I've been in this field a long time when I used to go and do trainings on-site. You show up on a Monday morning. You end up in some break room or conference room, and there's a whole bunch of people in there that were just told that morning that they're gonna be trained on their new CMMS. That's the worst possible thing you could do. Yeah. Make sure that they are part of the process get them to buy in. Go so much better.


I do wanna address one question I see here. Even though our our producer probably already addressed it, would it be possible to get a copy of this presentation to share with coworkers?

I will just comment that, in the handout tab. Just a reminder that in the handout tab, you can find a copy of the the slides and also other materials from the sponsors.

And and also that this webinar will be available on demand after this.

I don't know.

Paul, if you have anything to add as far as availability on your end, No.

The only thing I will add is, you know, we threw a ton of topics at everybody today.

And it was really a very high level, more of a teaser into these technologies.

And that's where if you need to go deeper, reach out to your rightly, liaison, or I'm sure there'll be some sort of a connection that magically happens behind the scenes somewhere, but go deeper on these things. And that's your own research talking to him rightly. A representative, and just to go deeper on the software, the technology, the best practices, wherever areas you need to. It it will really be helpful to mind with this tech.

Okay. Great. I think we have just a a couple more minutes.

Take a couple more questions here. So And actually, this goes into the going deeper. Do you have any recommendations of things to read to learn more about lean manufacturing?

That's a really good question. And off the top of my head, I don't. I know we have resources on our website that has all kinds of use cases and best practices and so forth. You know, they're generic concepts. Not everything is gonna originate from, brightly in the software, but concepts like total productive maintenance. That's a huge topic.

It goes, there's there's multiple pillars in there, and they all address different aspects of your organization. To me, I think, you know, we we're always learning So, I mean, the internet's a wonderful thing that can take you to go deeper in different topics. I would suggest finding quality sources as you do go deeper. But again, one of the things when you're, like, partner with an organization for technology, it's not just about giving you software.

It's not just about training on that software and implementing, it's also being your partner to guide you through things like where can I find practices or where is the technology going, and that's one thing that Bradley does? We're constantly writing articles about this stuff, talking about these, So you just kinda have this information trip that can keep you advancing and advancing. It's it's not just a software vendor. It's partner.

And I think that's really important in your operations. You'll have a much better experience with your end users and ultimately get a better return on your investment.

Okay. Great. Thank you. So, we do have some more questions out there, but I'm afraid we're just about out of time. So, any questions that have not been answered yet, we will share those with Paul offline and he can follow-up with you later. And again, thank you, Paul, for your presentation today, and thank you to brightly.

And also thank you to the audience for your participation.

And finally, for those of you who have asked, you can find materials for today's event and all pro food webinars archive at w w w dot pro food world dot com slash webinars.

So also, please take a moment to fill out our post event survey, which you will see after this presentation is over. Your feedback is very important to us, and we use that to you know, to to help improve our future webinars. So thanks again to all of our attendees around the world, and I hope to see you back here next time. Have a great day.