
Facility Dive: 6 facilities management trends set to define 2025

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The skilled trade worker shortage is shaping FM in 2025. Hear from our expert, Katie Gramajo, explain why in Facilities Dive.

Facilities Drive 1/14/25


The trends shaping #FacilitiesManagement in 2025 may not come as a surprise. In 2024, facilities managers across industries focused on collecting asset data and tracking energy use to enhance operations and improve decision-making. This year, facilities teams are going to go one step further by implementing technological innovations, like AI, to leverage facility data to improve processes and system designs while grappling with the challenges of a skilled labor shortage

Our senior industry marketing manager, Katie Gramajo, shared with Facilities Dive how teams can combat the skilled trade worker shortage by approaching a hybrid model. 

Read her comments and the five other trends shaping facilities management trends in 2025.