
The Future Proof Campus: Taking A Data-Driven Approach to Facilities Investments

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Across higher education, institutions of every size and type are facing looming challenges posed by aging campus buildings and a growing backlog of deferred maintenance needs. Facilities and finance leaders are tasked with allocating funds to address these projects, both in the near and long term. 

Success will require leaders to identify and prioritize an institutions’ most urgent needs through the strategic use of facilities data. 

In this 20-minute webinar, learn more about how to gather the data needed to make wise investments at any institution, how to optimize your facilities data, and how to take a data-driven approach to facilities improvements to ensure your campus is better prepared for the future. 

Topics include: 

  • The growing challenge of deferred maintenance in higher education 
  • How to identify and prioritize the most urgent facilities needs at an institution 
  • 3 practical steps to optimize facilities data 
  • Taking a more data-driven approach to capital planning and future facilities investments