You Get What You Pay For: Evaluating CMMS Beyond Cost
In today’s dynamic business landscape, organizations rely on Computerized Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS) to streamline maintenance process’, help maintainers maximize asset performance, and ensure regulatory compliance. With over 400 CMMS solutions available – and more flooding the market every year...
Feeling Proactive? 10 Maintenance Activities You Should Do Now
If you’re tasked with overseeing or managing the care of assets, you likely have a lot on your plate...
Intelligent Solutions for Complex Assets: EV Charging Stations for Cities
EVs are a great step towards reducing dependence on fossil fuels. They’re typically designed to run...
Managing critical production environments
Promoting uptime and mitigating risks in the food and beverage industry Food and beverage...
A Light in the Dark: Help for a Difficult Hiring Landscape
Everywhere you turn, it appears that workers are walking off the job. CNN reports, “From Hollywood...
Employee Spotlight: Fei Ling Teh, Brightly Product Designer
Role and Expertise In this edition of the Brightly Employee Spotlight, we are proud to introduce Fei...
Football: a campus-wide, M&O team sport
Ah, fall. Students and teachers head back to class just before the foliage puts on its best display...

How to protect your operations budget during inflation
In times of inflation, smart technology can help maximize budgets (including help with grant or funding requests) through more effective utility management, smart asset management, and reduced long-term or emergency costs from preventive maintenance.
Digital Transformation is for Everyone
Digital transformation (DX) sounds technical, but at its core, it’s just about identifying real...
Why manufacturers should centralize inventory management
In manufacturing, where—and how—your parts or supplies are stored can be the difference between...
Can your facility weather winter?
An ounce of prevention can go a long, long way. At Brightly, we talk a lot about the power of...
How to simplify permitting and licensing from one platform
From a citizen perspective, there’s no secret as to how people feel about how long it takes to do...
Does your asset management method integrate compliance?
In hospitals or other healthcare facilities, operational teams look after the well-being of the...
Got assets? 5 reasons to shift your management approach
At Brightly, we believe that data and the way you frame your approach to maintaining equipment...