
The ROI of Preventive Maintenance: Is It Really Worth It?

7 minutes

In facilities management, where efficiency and cost-effectiveness reign supreme, the old adage "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" isn’t a guideline. It’s a way of life. As facilities managers grapple with the perennial challenge of maintaining optimal operational conditions while minimizing expenses, one strategy stands out as a beacon of financial prudence: preventive maintenance.

The implementation of a well-structured preventive maintenance program has proven time and again that it's not just a necessary expense, but a strategic investment that yields impressive returns. Preventive maintenance advantages are tangible; it can reduce costs by 12-18% and generate a remarkable 400% return on investment.

Setting aside maintenance resources before issues arise has short-term costs, but the long-term benefits are real. Research consistently demonstrates that every dollar invested in preventive or predictive maintenance saves up to five dollars on unforeseen expenses.

The heart of the matter lies in the principle of addressing potential problems proactively rather than reactively. Instead of waiting for equipment to malfunction, disrupting operations and incurring costly emergency repairs, preventive maintenance allows facilities managers to identify and correct issues before they escalate. Scheduled routine inspections, calibrations, and replacements, helps facilities avoid downtime, reduce the risk of catastrophic failures, and extend the lifespan of their assets.

How does a preventive strategy boost maintenance ROI?

Implementing a preventive maintenance plan is about more than mitigating potential issues. It's a strategic move that directly contributes to increased ROI for maintenance expenditures. A preventive maintenance plan optimizes energy efficiency, ensuring equipment operates at peak levels. Regular inspections and adjustments keep the machinery running smoothly, preventing energy waste, and the reduced risk of unexpected breakdowns and downtime translates to uninterrupted productivity and revenue generation. Organizations can allocate resources more judiciously, saving on the exorbitant costs associated with rushed repairs and replacement parts.

The cumulative effect of these benefits is a direct reduction of maintenance costs by an impressive 12-18%, a figure that can significantly bolster the bottom line.

A robust computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) transforms preventive maintenance scheduling into a strategic powerhouse, giving your organization a nerve center that schedules, tracks, and manages maintenance tasks across the facility. With real-time data at their fingertips, facilities managers can make informed decisions, optimizing the timing and allocation of resources. A CMMS facilitates predictive analytics, enabling the identification of trends and patterns that allow for even more precise maintenance scheduling.

Minimizes asset downtime

Preventive maintenance is pivotal in minimizing asset downtime, contributing to increased maintenance ROI, by proactively addressing potential issues before they escalate into disruptive failures. Adhering to a regular schedule of inspections, calibrations, and maintenance tasks, facilities identify and correct problems at an early stage, preventing unexpected breakdowns and downtime.

This approach ensures seamless operations and avoids costly unscheduled downtime, preventing lost productivity, missed opportunities, and emergency repairs. When assets remain in optimal working condition, their lifespans are extended and overall maintenance costs are reduced. This strategic approach to maintenance not only safeguards investments but also generates substantial returns through uninterrupted operations and enhanced efficiency.

Reduces major repairs

A well-structured preventive maintenance plan works to protect against asset downtime by systematically addressing potential vulnerabilities before they evolve into critical failures. Adhering to a carefully designed schedule of routine inspections, servicing, and upkeep, organizations can detect and rectify emerging issues in the early stages, effectively halting the progression toward breakdowns.

This approach minimizes the risk of unexpected failures that can lead to downtime. Identifying and mitigating wear and tear, adjustments, and replacements, preventive maintenance ensures that assets continue to function optimally, maintaining consistent production and reducing the need for unplanned, resource-intensive repairs, maximizing asset uptime and contributing to streamlined operations.

Extends asset life

Regular inspections, lubrication, calibration, and timely replacements help maintain equipment in prime condition, reducing stress on components and minimizing the risk of premature failure. Also, rectifying small problems before they escalate prevents larger, more costly breakdowns that could lead to major repairs or damage that requires replacement.

Increases productivity

Minimizing disruptions caused by unexpected breakdowns and repairs translates to uninterrupted production schedules, reduced downtime, and efficient allocation of resources. Workers can focus on their tasks without the looming threat of sudden equipment failures giving them more time to focus on other tasks.

Preventive maintenance fosters a culture of proactive problem-solving and continuous improvement, encouraging teams to collaborate and share insights for enhanced operational efficiency. Reduced unplanned downtimes, improved equipment reliability, and optimized work processes all combine to create a substantial boost in productivity, benefiting the bottom line and overall success of the organization.

Prevents reactive maintenance

Preventive maintenance acts as a deterrent to reactive maintenance, breaking the cycle of addressing issues once they've already caused disruptions. Implementing a proactive maintenance schedule that includes regular inspections, servicing, and adjustments, allows managers to take corrective measures before they escalate into major failures that demand immediate and often costly attention. 

Reactive maintenance often involves rushed repairs and expensive replacement parts. Preventive maintenance shifts the focus from putting out fires to preventing them, allowing resources to be allocated strategically. This shift minimizes the financial strain associated with unplanned downtime and emergency repairs and fosters a more efficient, reliable, and sustainable maintenance approach.

Costs of reactive maintenance

Expenses in a reactive maintenance model can accumulate rapidly. Unplanned downtime disrupts operations, leading to decreased productivity and missed opportunities. Urgent repairs often require higher labor and material costs, and replacement parts can be pricier than planned purchases. And the domino effect is real: one failure very often leads to another. These costs should be avoided whenever possible.

Unexpected downtime

When machinery isn't regularly inspected and maintained, it becomes more susceptible to failures that can bring production and service delivery to a screeching halt. This downtime quickly becomes lost revenue and missed deadlines. Scrambling to address sudden breakdowns can lead to rushed repairs that cost more.

Beyond immediate the financial hit, reactive maintenance erodes efficiency and workflow continuity, since teams are forced to adjust schedules and reallocate tasks. In the larger context, the decreased overall productivity caused by these interruptions can have long-lasting consequences on customer satisfaction, market competitiveness, and the organization's reputation.

Emergency repairs

Paying to repair breakdowns is not cost-effective. Deploying skilled technicians and getting the parts you need quickly drives up labor expenses. Unplanned expenses are a drain on budgets and profitability.

Overtime and rush orders

If employees must work overtime or even outside of normal business hours, it creates an additional strain on the workforce and on the budget. These extra expenses impact budgets, often significantly.

Major repairs or equipment replacement

Equipment that isn’t maintained means more major repairs or even replacement. Retiring equipment before its time not only makes its purchase inefficient, it compounds that expense by having to invest in another costly purchase. This constitutes a significant, even crippling impact on a company.

9 Factors to consider when calculating the ROI of PM

Calculating the return on investment (ROI) of a preventive maintenance plan goes beyond monetary expenditures. The immediate costs of labor, materials, and scheduled service are significant, a comprehensive evaluation should encompass several factors that together paint a clearer picture of the true value derived from the strategy.

  • Cost of preventive maintenance: Labor, materials, and scheduled service expenses, along with indirect costs make up the savings derived from reduced downtime, extended asset lifespans, and increased operational efficiency.
  • Cost of reactive maintenance: Comparing the cost of reactive and preventive maintenance is crucial when calculating ROI, since it highlights the savings from avoiding unplanned downtime, emergency repairs, and costly replacements.
  • Frequency and duration of asset downtime: Reduced downtime impacts revenue generation significantly, underscoring how preventive maintenance contributes to uninterrupted operations and sustained revenue streams.
  • Asset life extension: Preventive maintenance practices directly influence the lifespan and longevity of critical assets within their operational framework.
  • Improved equipment reliability: Preventive maintenance enhances equipment reliability, and minimizes failures and disruptions that reduce operational efficiency and increase costs.
  • Energy efficiency and cost savings: Regular upkeep ensures equipment operates at peak efficiency, reducing energy consumption and lowering associated expenses.
  • Safety improvements: A well-maintained environment reduces the risk of accidents and injuries, resulting in fewer absenteeism cases, decreased medical costs, and improved overall employee well-being. The financial benefits of fostering a safe work environment further contribute to the comprehensive ROI of a proactive maintenance approach.
  • Regulatory compliance: A preventive maintenance strategy ensures compliance with industry regulations and legal requirements, avoiding costs associated with non-compliance, such as fines and legal penalties. 
  • Impact on customer satisfaction: An indirect benefit of preventive maintenance is enhanced customer satisfaction. More consistent service delivery and reduced disruptions promote additional financial gains and intangible (but not insignificant) long-term value.

Considering these factors gives your business a comprehensive analysis of the ROI associated with preventive maintenance. These tangible benefits (and corresponding drawbacks for inaction) make a clear, compelling case for preventive maintenance.

Boost the ROI of your maintenance strategy with Brightly

If you want to develop a strong preventive maintenance strategy, Brightly’s CMMS solution makes it easy to implement a strong plan. Contact a Brightly expert to learn more about how you can see an increased ROI in your maintenance efforts.